Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Here goes number 45 ...

Yes, another one completed his 45th journey around the sun, as life goes on or should we say actually its just another day. We wish him the very best for the years to come and may Allah's blessing be with him and family. He is my brother, De or numeric A4.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Arif & Mursyida

Arif mengakhiri zaman bujangnya malam tadi (25hb Disember2010), apabila dia berjaya melafadzkan akad nikah pada jam 9.30 malam di rumah Pak Long Mursyida. Alhamdulillah semuanya lancar, dan dengan bersatunya kedua mereka maka terikatlah silaturrahim diantara dua keluarga. Majlisnya yang dihadiri oleh keluarga terdekat dari kedua belah pihak.

Semoga mereka mengecap kebahagian ke akhir hayat, kita doakan mereka :

"Barakallah hu laka wabaraka a'laika
wa jamaah bainakuma fil khair"

[Semoga Allah memberi barokah kepada kamu dan dan memberi barokah
dan kebaikan dalam mengumpulkan kalian berdua suami isteri]

Kepada kedua ibu Bapa dari kedua belah pihak tahniah, panjang umur 9 bulan lagi kalau ada rezki ada peluang timang cucu.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

20 years ago ...

Well ... as each an everyone of us go through the journey we called life, how we forget that time never bother to wait for us, and before you know it you left the teen years and now began a journey with' ty ' sticking to your age.

Does it matter ? Actually not really.

This time around, we spend tyra's birthday at Mid Valley, get her to choose her Birthday Presents, which she seems to enjoy getting the brother and sister to pay for what she chose, as Ibu let her choose a Swatch design. Had lunch at ITALLIANIES, ok but could have been better if Kak Lia is around.