Thursday, November 3, 2016

4 hari lagi SPM ...

Masa yang berlalu ....

Tanpa disangka, dalam masa 4 hari lagi, Adam akan menghadapi SPM. Seketika dulu, 90 hari lagi Adam akan menghadapi UPSR. Maka dengan gerak masa yang sangat pantas, selepas UPSR, IGCSE Chekpoint 2013, PT3 2014, IGCSE 2015 dan 2016 SPM.

Ayyub di SEMASHUR dah selesai pun PT3, sekarang MC (cuti sakit) kerana bisol dipeha kanan. Alisha di Sekolah Seri Puteri, Cyberjaya ... tinggal berberapa minggu aja lagi nak habis Tingkatan 1.

Dalam pada itu Lia dah pun selesai Master Physiotherapy di University Of Otago, Duneddin, New Zealand dengan graduasi pada 20 Ogos 2016.

Athirah sedang buat Housemanship di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Buat masa ini sedang dalam usaha menyelesaikan "posting" ketiga, ia itu O&G di Hospital Likas.

Semoga Allah merahmati kamu semua ... anak-anak ku.

Aman selamat lancar dan barokah selalu.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Power Sport Taekwando Competition 2011

A whole day of competition, a very tiring and exhausting one but yet an eventful day in many ways. In the end Adam managed to place himself in the finals, however unfortunately due to lack of offensive and defense, he ended with a Silver medal. It however came with an unfortunate painful bruise on the foot.

Meanwhile Ayyub got himself a bronze, after giving a good fight in the semifinals. This is his first medal and insyaallah, he can do much better in future competition.

Well as for Alisha, good try good experience ... maybe next year.

Monday, June 13, 2011

90 days to UPSR

Within the next 90 days we will need to help Adam ready for UPSR. What is the best strategy, and how can we maximise our effort?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Run through of events ...

Bowling Get together : Saturday, 14th May.

Originally set for Ole Ole Bowling at Section 18, Shah Alam, we reschedule to Alam Sentral due to booking by MARA. Luckily, there are alley available.

Along Zafri and family, the Kajang (Saujana Impian) Gang, Jalan Joran (except Haziq), and all of us from 6teen@jalansampan in full force. Ayah Su did very well, and Along Zafri was impressive, however not able to concentrate as due restlessness of his young children.

All in all it was a good affair, onward to lunch at an Arabic Restaurant (Arabian Kitchen) at Section 20, Shah Alam, good ... food, everyone seems to enjoy themselves.

Koko Crunch Taekwando National Junior 2011 : Saturday, 21st May.

Ayyub participated at KL Badminton Hall. It was a good fight for him although he did not get through. Its the waiting, we arrived at about 8am, but his fight was No 42 and finally about 1.45pm did he manage to start. Its ok, we'll try again next round. Power Sport Competition will be coming up in June.

UPSR Motivation : Saturday, 21st May.

Adam attended at UiTM from 8am - 9pm. He was enthusiastic it seems as he do not complain. Hopefully its worth the RM100 investment.

Azreen Azman Wedding : Sunday, 22 May.

Man Busu Koleh first daughter which makes the bride my Anak Saudara Dua Pupu. 6 of us, Baba, Mak, Fa, Ateh, Nie and yours truly. A time to meet long lost relatives.

PKSR 2 : 23rd May - 27th May 2011

Adam, Ayyub and Alisha insyaallah will do well, but for all its worth, its a good opportunity to gauge their level as half year sets in. This will also help us assess Adam as he approach UPSR in September this year.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mak was 73 last Monday ...

We had a good get2gather-gather at No8, except for 1 menantu, and 4 cucu and 1 cucu inlaw. Adik Ipar and biras was there too (Pak Ngah & Mak Ngah).

Along sponsored Satay, as Thira cooked the Pasta, Lia with her Red Velvet Cup Cake, and Tanty with the Birthday Cup Cakes as well as a cupcake each for all Mothers. Not sure who brought the Mee mamak, but food were in abundance.

As refreshment, we had orange and laichee. The idea of disposable cup and plates are fantastic, it ease the cleaning up and reduce water usage as well.

Qila MC again as she did during Wan's Birthday ... exactly a year ago @6teenjlnsampan, and this round its quiz about Wan. Somehow Pak Ngah new most of the answer.

Along send this SMS:

  • Greeting brothers n sister, thank you for making mum's birthday bash a success. To all my nephew n nieces, it was a splendid occasion to be together except for those who r not in town n overseas. Thanks a billion.
To all, we say thank you, to mak we say ... we love you, may Allah SWT keep you always in his Hidayah and we hope for more happy healthy years to come. As much as we do not intend to count the years that past, we will always appreciate what we have always ... the bonus years.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Everyday is Mothers Day ...

Yes 365 days, and 366 days during the leap year.

Well, at least for those who needs a specific day, yesterday was the day. Good for those who thrive from the commercial part of it, cards, cakes and gift. Well no matter what, I think mothers do enjoy them too, when the children do give them a hug, wish them, (not even more) but do enjoy the gift showered unto them.

Am not, for it actually ... seriously you think of your mother only on the day someone say its mothers day,,, and that's why I post this today ... yes today.

Actually, I do enjoy reading some of the write up and wishes by children to their mum, and one that I would like to share here some statement I read from the Star yesterday 08052011,

Whenever my sisters and I are out with mum and someone stops us to say,
"Iswander, you are so lucky to have such nice daughters,"
I smile. Actually, I wish I could stop them and say,
"We are the the luckiest girl to have her as our mother."
We Love you, Mum. Happy Mothers Day

or this one from the Malay Mail 04052011, titled Mummy dearest, where the writer writes about how sanctity of motherhood are tainted by some who gave birth to a/any child and yet did not do or did not know how to be a mother. He continue by saying that,

"It's a sad thing to see motherhood tainted with such stupidity and callousness.
It gives a real bad name to the sacred duty of being a mother.

Thank goodness the cases, while shocking and deplorable, are few.
Most Mothers out there are the genuine article,
willing to give their all to and for their children.
They provide the necessary, love, comfort and guidance
for their children to grow up to be useful and well-adjusted members of society.

To this mums, have a Happy Mother's Day"

Yesterday, do drop by to visit her, drop by for lunch occasionally, and call her as much as I can, if and when I am busy!!! (busy really ...) But being a mother, if and when she do not see you, or hear from you, she will be the one calling. "Just wanna know if you are well, and all is fine," she'll say.

What more can you say, love you Mak.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Exam ....

Hari ni Kak Lia Exam, pukul 2.00ptg. Dah berberapa hari study kaw kaw dia, baru je lepas bertolak kat Puncak Alam. Insyaallah, Kak Lia berjaya menjawab dengan sempurna dan mendapat pencapaian yang cemerlang.

Semester ini, hanya '2 paper' aje, next paper 25042011, hari Isnin lepas tu boleh relax sampai semester depan. Mula pun lepas raya 12th September 2011. Nampak nya nak cuti puas-puas dia kerana dah dua kali semester break kena buat 'clinical', Hospital Sungai Buloh dan Hospital Seberang Jaya.

Ooops ... jangan lupa kena buat Thesis Final Year, dah hantar proposal, sekarang kena plan supaya tak buat kerja "last minute".

Thira pun tengah sibuk study break, malam kelmarin dia balik sekejab, katanya dah habis 1 minggu dah study break, tinggal seminggu aje lagi. Exam dia kalau tak silap mula 2hb Mei 2011 hingga 5hb Mei 2011.

Adam, Ayyub dan Alisha ... PKSR 1 dah selesai, markah kira ok la, perlu lebih banyak usaha lagi, dapat nombor dalam kelas pun kira ok la.

Adam UPSR tinggal lagi 5 bulan + -. Kena bantu dia lebih focus, kurangkan perkara dan aktiviti yang tak perlu. Masih gah nak tengok TV, sedangkan dah ada perjanjian bahawa ada hari-hari tertentu tak boleh tengok TV, lebih-lebih lagi sekarang ni "No TV Week". Punyalah kemaruk, malam tadi pasal nak tengok "Around the World in 80 days", versi baru dengan Jackie Chan sanggup bayar RM20.00. Korek tabung sampai kering.

Alim dah mula kat MRSM Gerik, dengar cerita blur juga dia, tapi mesti ok punya, pasal dia memang budak yang cerdik dan mudah 'interact' dengan orang.

Iman Nur Najwa (Wawa) pun dah sedia untuk next phase, lepas result SPM keluar, dah pilih Course mana yang diminati, sekarang tunggu offer. harap-harap dapatlah program yang dia betul-betul minat, lepas tu focus sungguh-sungguh.

Sementara tu, kerja kat Pizza Hut, boleh lah kita makan Pizza free kot !!!

Oh ya ... sorang lagi tengah sibuk belajar nak exam, Nurul Aini Munirah (Ain), tapi 1st paper pada 28hb April ni.

Good luck you all, give your best, insyaallah berjaya.